
Minimum-Viable PMO Needs Assessment

Analyze the value of the time and effort you spend on project management activities.

Zero-Allocation Project Management Workbook

Developing a lean PM toolkit will free up PMs to focus on actually managing the project while still delivering accurate portfolio metrics.

Network Management Outsourcing Roadmap Tool

Keep track of the outsourcing process using the roadmap tool. This tool will help keep all stakeholders informed as to the current progress of the project, while also...

Network Management Outsourcing RFP Scoring Tool

The RFP scoring tool will be the primary tool used in the vendor selection process. Additionally, the RFP will be used to select the partner vendor for the outsourcing...

IT Competency Library

Use this tool to learn about IT competencies and develop your organization's own functional IT competency framework.

iGaming Platforms Vendor Shortlist Tool

This tool allows gaming and hospitality organizations to profile their iGaming requirements and generate a rank-ordered vendor shortlist from a fixed list of vendors....

Data Governance Requirements Gathering Tool

Your data governance efforts are largely impacted by the organization’s data requirements. Identifying the requirements will provide greater direction for the data...

Application Rationalization Impact Analysis Tool

A tool to help you document impact analysis for a given set of dispositions and help support a go/no-go decision on rationalization when coupled with a business value factor.

Data Warehouse Architecture Planning Tool

The Data Architecture Planning Tool surveys the organizations on data landscape and information needs. Based on the survey results, the tool will select the most suitable...

IT Due Diligence Report

This tool helps the CIO and IT due diligence team with tracking and documenting ongoing information discoveries throughout the due diligence phase of an M&A transaction.
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