Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool

The Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool simplifies the long to-do list of transition tasks for your IT and InfoSec team to carry out. Identify, classify, and prioritize...

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 3: Repatriate Assets to the Office

Prepare the organization's assets for return to the office. Ensure that IT takes into account the off-license purchases and new additions to the hardware family that took...

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 4: Repatriate Workloads to the Office

Prepare and position IT to support workloads in order to streamline office reintegration. This may include leveraging pre-existing solutions in different ways and...

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office – Phase 5: Prioritize Your Tasks and Build the Roadmap

Once you've identified IT's supporting tasks, it's time to prioritize. This phase walks through the activity of prioritizing based on cost/effort, alignment to business,...

Restart the Engine of Your Project Portfolio

Restarting the engine of the project portfolio mid-pandemic won’t be as simple as turning a key and hitting the gas. Use this concise research to find the right path...

Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Webinar: Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

IT must quickly identify the must-dos to allow a safe return to the office. During this webinar we will go through how to build a prioritized roadmap for safe reopening...

Microsoft Teams Cookbook

Use Info-Tech’s Microsoft Teams Cookbook to successfully implement and use Teams. This cookbook includes recipes for IT best practices for governance over Teams rollout...

Virtual Conferences and COVID-19: Early Lessons Learned

COVID-19 has left conference conveners with essentially three options: cancel, reschedule, or go online.

Noncompliance in O365 or M365 With Microsoft Is as Easy as Counting From One to Three

With lots of functionality being provisioned/deployed at the tenant level, Microsoft is happy to sit back for now, watch, and start auditing in the future.
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