Mitigate the Risk of a Cloud Outage

IT leaders are still accountable for service continuity, even when those services are moved to the cloud. When an O365 outage occurs, the CEO is calling you, not Microsoft.

Crisis Management Plan Summary Example

Summarize your organization's crisis management capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

Implement Crisis Management Best Practices – Executive Brief

Implement an effective crisis response plan to minimize the impact of crises on business continuity, reputation, and profitability.

BCP-DRP Maintenance Checklist

Set a schedule for continuity plan reviews, tests, and updates. Track completed reviews.

Business Continuity Teams and Roles Tool

Track business continuity teams, roles, responsibilities, and key vendors/suppliers.

Virtual Conferences and COVID-19: Early Lessons Learned

COVID-19 has left conference conveners with essentially three options: cancel, reschedule, or go online.

Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Webinar: Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

IT must quickly identify the must-dos to allow a safe return to the office. During this webinar we will go through how to build a prioritized roadmap for safe reopening...

Microsoft Teams Cookbook

Use Info-Tech’s Microsoft Teams Cookbook to successfully implement and use Teams. This cookbook includes recipes for IT best practices for governance over Teams rollout...

Webinar: Create a Right-Sized Disaster Recovery Plan

Organizational resilience today requires a new way of thinking about backups and disaster recovery.
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