DR and Business Continuity - Templates & Policies

DRP Summary Template

Create the DRP summary document that will become the focus of the DRP audit. This template will organize and centralize a summary of your DRP to help streamline the audit...

Sales Process for New Clients – Sales Example

Use flowcharts and checklists to create effective SOP documents.

Emergency Response Plan Checklist, Summary, and Staff Instructions

Use this document as a guideline to develop or review your emergency response plans.

Crisis Communication Guidelines and Templates

Develop a crisis communication plan and pre-planned communications.

System Recovery Procedures Template

Use this template to document application or system recovery procedures required to support the DR Incident Response Plan.

DRP High-Level Process

Overview of Info-Tech's DRP development workflow.

DRP-BCP Review Workflow

Review your full DR and BC plans annually to identify changes that weren’t captured via day-to-day change management.

Crisis Management Plan Summary Example

Summarize your organization's crisis management capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template

Use this template to document a DR test plan.

Checklist for Securing Remote Workers

Use this checklist to ensure that you are implementing all of the IT security best practices when you are working from home or away from the office.
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