DRP High-Level Process

Author(s): Frank Trovato, David Xu, Darin Stahl

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Follow Info-Tech's disaster recovery plan (DRP) development workflow to implement a successful DRP pilot. The phases in this workflow are outlined below.

Prioritize applications for DR planning:

  1. Identify business operations/services.
  2. Identify applications that support each business operation.
  3. Prioritize applications based on perceptions/instinct.

DR planning for Tier 1 applications:

  1. Identify dependencies for each application.
  2. Conduct a business impact analysis.
  3. Determine desired/target RTOs/RPOs based on business impact analysis.
  4. Document current-state DRP.
  5. Identify gaps between current vs. desired RTOs/RPOs.
  6. Identify projects to close gaps.
  7. Plan and implement business-approved project work.
  8. Update the DRP.

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