Network Modernization RFP Template

Use this template as a basis for the scope of work and technical requirements section of your network modernization RFP.

Data Center Relocation Wrap-up Checklist

Relocating the data center is a large undertaking that involves a great deal of old and new equipment. Decommissioning the old data center facility ensures that all...

Systems Management Project Charter Template

Communicate your systems management implementation initiative to stakeholders with a project charter.

Storyboard: Optimize Systems Management to Improve IT Resilience and Proactivity

Effective systems management can be a critical driver toward IT maturity. However, many organizations continue to collect data without any idea of what to do with it....

Network Modernization Executive Presentation Template

Use this template to create an executive presentation summarizing the key elements of your network modernization project.

Network Architect

The Network Architect's role is to develop and maintain the high-level design plan for the overall logical and technical network architecture. This individual will...

Build Your Infrastructure Roadmap – Phase 4: Improve the Process

This phase of the blueprint Build the Business by Building an Infrastructure Roadmap will help you iterate on the process for continual improvement, to deliver every more...

Define Your Cloud Vision – Phase 2: Determine Cloud Value and Action Plan for Workloads

This phase of the blueprint Define Your Cloud Vision will help you determine an action plan for each workload.

Want to Migrate to Cloud IaaS? What Is Your Hurry?

Usage of public cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service, such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, continues to trend upward. But IaaS may not be your final destination....

The Private Cloud Is Not What You Think

They say hybrid cloud is the future. (Whoever “they” are!) Hybrid is typically some combination of private cloud and public cloud. However, if your definition of private...
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