Data Center Consolidation TCO Comparison Tool

Costs are often the main impetus for pursuing a data center consolidation project. Use this tool to compare and contrast the current state TCO and the TCO after...

Consolidate Your Data Centers – Phase 2: Plan

This phase of the blueprint will help you establish a strong business case for the project through a TCO analysis and a comprehensive business requirements analysis.

Data Center Consolidation Project Planning and Prioritization Tool

Due to the complexity of data center consolidation, regardless of the project scale organizations should prepare a prioritized step-by-step project plan that includes...

Data Center Consolidation Data Collection Workbook

When moving the data center, developing a detailed inventory and orchestrating bundling and moving of related data center assets are detailed processes with many...

Consolidate Your Data Centers – Phase 1: Discover

This phase of the blueprint will help you kick off the discovery process by prioritizing projects, identifying dependencies, and creating move day bundles.

Consolidate Your Data Centers – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you maximize the benefits of data center consolidation by helping you develop an effective planning strategy.

Consolidate Your Data Centers – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why an effective 12 to 18 month planning process is the key to capturing consolidation benefits and avoiding unforeseen costs.

VMware and AWS Strike a Deal: A Hybrid Cloud Enterprises Have Been Looking For

VMware and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have a new partnership. This is good news for corporate hybrid clouds. But hybrid Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud is not ultimately...

Modernize Enterprise Storage Workbook

This workbook of the blueprint, Modernize Enterprise Storage, will guide you through activities that evaluate current storage infrastructure and plan for future storage...

Modernize Enterprise Storage

Data continues to grow at an exponential rate, and your current storage solutions will not meet all your future needs. Info-Tech’s methodology for storage modernization...
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