Next-Generation InfraOps Storyboard

IT Operations continue to be challenged by increasing needs for scale and speed. We’ve seen Agile evolve into DevOps, then different “xOps” that are too many to count....

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Phase 1: Explore Security Considerations for the Cloud

This phase of the blueprint Build an Cloud Security Strategy will help you identify the action items the organization can take to better secure the cloud.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS – Phases 1-4

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on Microsoft Azure – Phases 1-4

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.

Govern Microsoft 365 – Phases 1-3

Microsoft 365 is as difficult to wrangle as it is valuable. Leverage best practices to produce governance outcomes aligned with your goals.

Passwordless Authentication Storyboard

End users have 191 passwords to remember – can infrastructure and operations make life better for users while actually enhancing security? Understand the realizable...

Legacy Active Directory Environment Storyboard

Despite Microsoft’s Azure becoming prominent in the world of cloud services, Azure Active Directory is not a replacement for on-premises Active Directory. While Azure...

Considerations for a Hub and Spoke Model When Deploying Infrastructure in the Cloud Storyboard

A document to guide you through designing your networks in the cloud.

Document Your Cloud Strategy – Phases 1-4

Use this blueprint to drive consensus by outlining how your organization will use the cloud. Define the strategic statements around people, processes, and technology to...

Get Started With FinOps Storyboard

This storyboard will help you define FinOps roles and structure of the FinOps and other teams, identify key activities, and assign ownership to each. It will also provide...
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