Legacy Active Directory Environment Storyboard

Author(s): John Donovan

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You are looking to lose your dependency on Active Directory, and you need to tackle infrastructure technical debt, but there are challenges:

  • Legacy apps that are in maintenance mode cannot shed their AD dependency or have hardware upgrades made.
  • You are unaware of what processes depend on AD and how integrated they are.
  • Departments invest in apps that are integrated with AD without informing you until they ask for Domain details after purchasing.

Remove your dependency on AD one application at a time. If you are a cloud-first organization, rethink your AD strategy to ask “why” when you add a new device to your Active Directory.

Take inventory of your objects that depend on Kerberos and NTML and plan on removing that barrier through applications that don’t depend on AD.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Legacy Active Directory Environment

Kill the technical debt of your legacy Active Directory environment.

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