Infrastructure & Operations - Tools

Disruptive Technology Research Database Tool

This tool will help you keep track of your longlist of disruptive technologies over time. Remember: analysis of disruption is an iterative process.

Authority Matrix

The tool is very basic but can be easily adapted to suit each manager's needs. It uses the RACI matrix (responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed) to describe the...

BCP Business Impact Analysis Tool

Use this tool to conduct and document a business impact analysis for your BCP.

Infrastructure Outsourcing Business Impact Analysis Tool

Don’t be afraid to outsource your infrastructure supporting critical applications. Use this tool to map your critical applications and decide which infrastructure...

In-House IT Infrastructure Costing Tool

Use this tool to help you determine the costs of running your IT infrastructure in-house.

Stakeholder Engagement Workbook

Use this Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and to determine how best to communicate with...

DRP Business Impact Analysis Tool

Determine appropriate recovery time objectives based on the impact of downtime.

Network Management Outsourcing RFP Scoring Tool

The RFP scoring tool will be the primary tool used in the vendor selection process. Additionally, the RFP will be used to select the partner vendor for the outsourcing...

Network Management Outsourcing Roadmap Tool

Keep track of the outsourcing process using the roadmap tool. This tool will help keep all stakeholders informed as to the current progress of the project, while also...

Wireless LAN RFP Scoring Tool

The RFP scoring tool will be the primary tool used in the vendor selection process. Score all WLAN vendors based on their ability to support your technical requirements...
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