Infrastructure & Operations - Templates & Policies

Remote Work Assignment Log

This template defines and logs the remote work of an employee.

Home Office Survey

This tool is a survey for employees to complete, confirming with their employers the health and safety of their home office.

End-User Offboarding Checklist

Use this tool to help you centralize and track offboarding process by employee. Modify it with the information that is specific to your organization.

Checklist for Securing Remote Workers

Use this checklist to ensure that you are implementing all of the IT security best practices when you are working from home or away from the office.

Execute an Emergency Remote Work Plan Executive Presentation

This template helps users create a brief progress report summarizing their remote work transition process.

Crisis Matrix Communications Templates

Use these templates to provide key communicators with collateral to present to employees during this challenging time.

Patch Management Policy

The patch management policy outlines standard application maintenance and patch management practices and responsibilities for identifying and mitigating any system...

Release Management Standard Operating Procedure

The release and deployment standard operating procedure (SOP) should be used to establish and document a formal release and deployment management process at your...

Release Management Policy

Use this policy template to define and support your organization's release and patch management program.

Release Management Workflow Library

This workflow library will help your team walk through the release management lifecycle and map out what happens at each stage.
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