Prepare to return your employees to the office. Ensure that IT takes into account the health and safety of employees while creating an efficient and sustainable working...
Identify the new risk landscape and risk tolerance for your organization in a post-pandemic world. Determine how this may impact the second wave of pandemic transition tasks.
As the post-pandemic landscape begins to take shape, ensure that IT can effectively prepare and support your employees as they return to the office.
Many of the organizational changes wrought by COVID-19 are here to stay: enact a plan to adapt to them successfully.
It’s time for leaders to leap into action. Plan the organization's response during the critical first days of the crisis.
This blueprint offers guidance, tools, and templates to ensure that if an emergency hits your organization, forcing your employees to work remotely, you can effectively...
Augment your security and training program with considerations for remote users during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic. IT departments must do their part to develop a pandemic response plan.
Read Phase 3 to learn how to establish when you will migrate versus adopt a new cloud service and how you will provision and monitor the environment.
Phase 2 will help you mitigate risks associated with cloud by establishing proper governance.