Infrastructure & Operations - Research Notes

Cloud Strategy and Action Plan – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why a written strategy is required to realize the full benefits of the cloud.

Reduce Manual Repetitive Work With IT Automation – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why you should reduce manual repetitive work with IT automation.

What Does the Coronavirus Mean for Your Business Continuity Plan?

If you are responsible for your organization’s business continuity plan (BCP), expect to get a call from senior leadership soon about your readiness for a potential...

2020 Infrastructure Priorities Report – Executive Brief

Info-Tech’s 2020 Infrastructure Priorities Report explores five initiatives that IT infrastructure practitioners are prioritizing for 2020.

Coronavirus: Long-Term Business Sustainability in the Gaming and Hospitality Industry

As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread, it’s having a particularly negative impact on the hospitality and gaming segments of the tourism industry. While...

Document Your Cloud Strategy – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why you should document your cloud strategy and how you can get started.

COVID-19 Daily Summary – March 13, 2020

Welcome to Info-Tech Research Group’s COVID-19 Daily Summary, our regular update for our members. We’ll scan the horizon, identify the news and issues that are most...

COVID-19 Daily Summary – March 14, 2020

Info-Tech Research Group recognizes the impact the global COVID-19 pandemic is already having – and will continue to have – on you, your IT department, your entire...

COVID-19 Daily Summary – March 15, 2020

It’s been an eventful weekend in the evolution of the global COVID-19 pandemic, so let’s dive right into the most notable changes we’ve seen in the news cycle thus far.

Teaching Courses Online Due to COVID-19? Use These Five Tips

COVID-19 outbreak fears have prompted most universities and colleges to move their classes online for the rest of the Winter 2020 semester. With that comes challenges for...
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