Implement Infrastructure Shared Services – Phase 3: Plan the Transition

This phase will help you establish a clear shared services roadmap for each task, define a timeline and ownership, and build a plan to communicate the changes to key...

Implement Infrastructure Shared Services – Phases 1-3

It looks advantageous to share services that are unanimously used throughout the organization. Identifying core services, assessing risks, and communicating with key...

IT Asset Management Market Overview

Read the Market Overview to understand what features and capabilities are available in ITAM tools. The right features match is key to making a data heavy and challenging...

Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS – Phases 1-4

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.

Take Control of Cloud Costs on Microsoft Azure – Phases 1-4

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.

Manage Your Technical Debt – Phases 1-3

Use this methodology to measure the business impact of your technical debt and build a roadmap to fix it.

Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phase 1: Gap Analysis

This phase of the blueprint, Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics, will help you discover your business challenges and IT goals, and find your target...

Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phase 2: Build Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics, will help you make an action plan for your metrics and communicate to CIO and IT staff.

Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics – Phases 1-2

Measuring business value provided by IT is very challenging. This blueprint will help you achieve a clear metrics project by following our two-phase methodology: assess...

Stabilize Infrastructure & Operations During Work-From-Anywhere – Phases 1-3

Traditional IT infrastructure and operations weren’t built for work-from-anywhere. Read this storyboard to create a plan to fix it.
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