Intermedia to Provide Microsoft Services to 70,000+ Navisite Business Users

As of July 1, 2020, over 70,000 small business users receiving their Microsoft 365 services from Navisite will now receive them from Intermedia. The move means that...

Google Announces Major G-Suite Updates

Google has announced several updates to its G-Suite offering, which aims to heavily integrate and better secure its teamwork applications. The move represents a clear...

2020 Enterprise Collaboration Tools: Market Trends and Buyer’s Guide

This blueprint explores the types of collaboration tools available, how this marketspace emerged, and future trends. The Buyer’s Guide offers methods to categorize your...

Enterprise Collaboration Tools Project Journey Template

This editable project journey structures your project for finding and implementing a new collaboration tool.

2020 Enterprise Collaboration Tools: Market Trends and Buyer's Guide Storyboard

This blueprint offers an overview of the enterprise collaboration market and a buyer's guide to help discover and implement new collaboration tools.

Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools – Phase 2: Strategize Toolset Overlaps

This phase of the Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools blueprint runs through two different strategies to determine which unjustified overlapping tools are redundant and...

Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools – Phases 1-3

This blueprint aids clients in creating a collaboration strategy that categorizes and streamlines collaboration toolsets, identifies redundant tools to be phased out, and...

Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools – Phase 1: Evaluate Current Toolset

This phase of the Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools blueprint categorizes your collaboration toolset. This includes not only accounting for shadow IT but also...

Identifying and Categorizing Shadow Collaboration Tools Survey

This survey anonymously collects quantitative and qualitative data on what shadow collaboration tools are in current use and why.

Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools – Executive Brief

Rationalizing your collaboration toolset can save the organization both time and money. Read this Executive Brief to understand Info-Tech's best-practices approach to...
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