Case Study: Practical, Right-Sized DRP for a Financial Services Organization

Jumpstart your DRP project by reviewing a completed example of a concise, practical DRP. The example illustrates a more streamlined approach to creating the governance...

Preparation for Cryptography’s Quantum Leap Starts Now

Quantum computing may have implications sooner than we think. While it represents great opportunity, it also opens significant vulnerability to the methods of securing...

Modeling Success for Your Financial Lake

Stepping into the world of big data and enabling the data science community to investigate further insights from your core data assets is a common data strategy. How do...

User-Defined Financial Products and Services

The next major disruption in financial services will be the change from pre-defined products and services to user-defined products and services. This will be enabled by a...

Using Blockchain to Mitigate Invoice Factoring Fraud

Though blockchain had a lot of attention early on because it was the underlying technology that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are built on, the solution is now...

Quit Banking on Passwords to Protect Your Money; or, Why FIDO Is a Reasonable Alternative

Passwords have become increasingly insecure over the last few years, and yet we continue to use as the go-to authentication method for even our most sensitive online...

DR Outsourcing Solutions in Financial Services: Trends and Recommendations 2019

Financial services organizations’ spending on disaster recovery solutions increased slightly in 2018, but the sector as a whole spent 32% less than the average for all...

Case Study: Practical, Right-Sized BCP for a Financial Services Organization

Leverage this completed example of a concise, practical BCP to jumpstart your plan. The example illustrates a more streamlined approach to create a practical and...

FIBO: Financial Industry Business Ontology

The Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) is a perfect foundation for an enterprise knowledge graph facilitating practical use of machine learning and artificial...

Use Your Security Strategy to Put the Fun Back In Compliance

Compliance-related ennui is curable. Learn how to use your security strategy controls to manage your compliance obligations and make work fun again.
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