Is Your Web Site User Hostile?

(By Info-Tech Analyst Howard Kiewe - Printed with permission from Processor magazine I recently guest lectured on the topic of usability testing to...

IT Peer Advisory Committee Charter

Ongoing IT input provided through committees can provide continuous feedback to stakeholders who might not otherwise solicit IT's advice in decision-making.

Where's the Unified Communications Vision?

When it comes to UC, the majority of organizations fall short of having a strategic long term vision. Instead, many organizations are phasing in one communications...

Merger & Acquisition Target Technology Environment Selection Tool

Deciding on a post-merger target technology environment is a crucial planning step for IT professionals who are about to go through a merger or acquisition (M&A). Use...

New Leaders: Send a Message with an Executive IT Committee

Executive IT committees can take a lot of pressure off new or existing IT leaders by forcing business leaders to set IT investment priorities. Learn the lessons offered...

Is the ITIL Empire Overextended?

(By Info-Tech Analyst Refael Keren - Printed with permission from Processor magazine) History teaches us that great empires’ overreaching growth is often responsible...

Decision Rights Gap Analysis Tool

This tool assists in identifying decision right gaps by performing a comparison between your organization's unique decision right allocation and the ideal situation.

North American Electronic Waste Laws

A number of legislative issues can pose a liability to organizations that fail to properly dispose of obsolete computers and other electronic equipment. Use this document...

Business Analyst

Job description for the Business Analyst role.

EMR Document Imaging Worksheet

Healthcare organizations looking to implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR) technologies should begin with document imaging. Organize a high level strategy for...
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