Data & Business Intelligence - Storyboard

Leverage Big Data by Starting Small – Phase 4: Structure a Big Data Proof-of-Concept Project

This phase of the blueprint focuses on detailing the core components for the pilot project, making architectural considerations for big data, and developing communication...

Develop an Enterprise Content Management Strategy and Roadmap – Phases 1-3

Develop an ECM strategy roadmap to enable your employees to work smart, not hard, by following Info-Tech's simple three-phase approach: scope, understand, and build.

Create a Data Management Roadmap – Phases 1-2

Use this blueprint to translate strategic direction and vision for data (the "what") into a plan of action for the data practice (the "how"), addressing governance,...

Understand the Data and Analytics Landscape Storyboard

This deck will provide a base understanding of the core disciplines that make up an organization’s data and analytics landscape. The various disciplines explained in this...

Effectively Use SharePoint as Your ECM Solution – Phase 3: SharePoint Migration Planning

Each situation is different. Use the migration options and sample plans to decide which transition option works best for your project.

Select Your Data Platform Storyboard

Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...

Run Better Meetings – Phases 1-3

Hybrid, virtual, or in person – set meeting best practices that support your desired meeting norms. Begin to run better meetings by identifying your meetings' current...

Meeting Challenges and Best Practices

Identify your organization's key meeting challenges and best practices to fix them.

Drive Business Value With Off-the-Shelf AI Storyboard

This blueprint provides a framework and a step-by-step approach to guide organizations through the successful selection of the off-the-shelf AI product that delivers...

Virtual Data Room Guide Storyboard

This guide will explain the purpose, uses, and what to look out for when acquiring a virtual data room solution. It will also go through a brief provider comparison to...
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