This phase of the blueprint, Get Started With AI, will help you understand what AI really means in practice.
Use this blueprint to understand what AI really means in practice and get started with your AI explorations to harness its transformative power.
This phase of the blueprint will help you define a roadmap to implement the architecture to support your AI initiatives.
Read this Executive Brief to understand why it is important to architecture your AI initiatives.
This storyboard will help you assess and define the architecture to support AI within the organization.
Assess your current AI maturity.
Build a target state architecture for AI.
Use this template to capture the results of the data platform design assessment.
Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...
Data platform selection should be based on common best practices and, at the same time, be optimized for the organization’s specific needs and goals and support an...