Plan Your Early AI Moves Storyboard

Use this research to determine whether your organization needs to implement AI. If you choose to implement AI, this training provides a clear roadmap for AI integration.

Plan Your Early AI Moves: Training for Business Leaders

As a business leader, you are managing complex processes in a resource-starved climate. AI could increase your business efficiency, and your organization depends on you...

AI Operating Model Sketchbook

Use these example capabilities, roles, and capability maps to design your organization’s AI capabilities map.

IT Operating Model Decision Tool

An Excel questionnaire to help organizations determine their current (or target) IT operating model. Using this information, you can proceed to create your organization’s...

Design Your AI Target Operating Model Storyboard

A step-by-step guide for your organization’s AI incorporation framework highlighting capabilities, roles, decision-making structure, and process flow.

Business Intelligence RFP Template

Customize this template to create your own request for proposal (RFP) for your BI and analytics solution procurement process.

Selection Guide for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms

This blueprint will help you build a business case for selecting a business intelligence and analytics platform, define key requirements, and conduct a thorough analysis...

Business Intelligence and Analytics Platform Selection Guide

Business intelligence and analytics solutions are becoming increasingly essential tools, transforming organizational data into actionable insights that inform and guide...
  • guided implementation icon

Identify and Select Pilot AI Use Cases

Use this systematic approach to identify AI use cases aligned to the organization’s goals and identify an initial pilot project based on expected value and organizational...

AI Maturity Assessment and Roadmap Tool

Develop deliverables that will be milestones in creating your organization’s generative AI roadmap for implementing candidate applications.
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