Value & Performance

Develop a Virtual CIO Engagement Playbook Storyboard

IT service providers are keen to offer services beyond infrastructure management, backup and recovery, and technical support. They're looking up the value chain from...

Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...

The vCIO Retainer Toolkit

With this guide, vCIOs will understand how to package Info-Tech’s available research material in a way that will enable them to systematically improve their client’s...

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions – Executive Brief

Read the Executive Brief to find out why you should strategically apply people analytics to your IT talent management.

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
  • guided implementation icon

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions Storyboard

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions – Phase 1: Define the Problem and Apply the Checklist

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

Webinar: Creating a Holistic IT Dashboard

IT needs a holistic view of how all areas are performing and to create clear alignment to organizational goals. Understand the right rituals needed to review and act to...

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand how your organization can quickly implement an IT dashboard that leads to action and improved performance.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 1: Choose the KPIs

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you identify common IT KPIs that match your organizational goals.
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