Service Management - Blueprints

Elevate Your Service Capabilities to Drive Enterprise Value

IT leaders need to transform the way they plan, design, and deliver services to support organizational growth and transformation. Use this blueprint to define and plan...
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Define Your Enterprise IT and Digital Services

Don’t waste time identifying IT services by cataloging everything IT has to offer. Change your perspective! Move away from IT and start with the enterprise customer to...
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Service Management Integration With Agile Practices

Understand how Service Management integrates with Agile software development practices and how to solve the most common challenges to work efficiently and deliver...

IT Service Management Selection Guide

Regardless of organization size, there are benefits to having an ITSM solution that allows you to mature processes and continually improve your IT Operations practice....
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Develop a Plan to Pilot Enterprise Service Management

With the differentiation between products shrinking, organizations are looking towards improved customer experiences to separate themselves from their competition....
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Initiate Your Service Management Program

Derive full value out of service management by running it like a program with defined goals that are tied to business needs and governance that keeps decisions aligned to...
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Create an IT View of the Service Catalog

Organizations must have a clear understanding of their IT services and how IT delivers them. Use the structured guidelines within this blueprint to help you document the...
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