Implement the Next-Generation IT Operating Model

The Exponential IT Operating Model is the next generation of operating models for organizations pursuing Exponential IT. This model is ideal for organizations who have...

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 1: Initiate the Project

Begin your strategic workforce planning project by identifying goals and metrics, and drafting a project charter.

IT Organizational Redesign Pulse Survey Template

Use this template as a guide when surveying employees during the transition state of IT organizational redesign.

Build a Strategic IT Workforce Plan – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to discover how Info-Tech can help you build a strategic workforce plan for IT.

Implement the Next-Generation IT Operating Model Storyboard

Adopt the next generation of IT operating models with the digital services model focused on exceptional customer experiences in the post-digital transformation state.

Design Your AI Target Operating Model Storyboard

A step-by-step guide for your organization’s AI incorporation framework highlighting capabilities, roles, decision-making structure, and process flow.

IT Operating Model Decision Tool

An Excel questionnaire to help organizations determine their current (or target) IT operating model. Using this information, you can proceed to create your organization’s...

Design Your AI Target Operating Model

Use this research to design the AI capabilities, roles, and operating model that will support your AI strategy and roadmap.
  • guided implementation icon

Adopt Change Management Practices and Succeed at IT Organizational Redesign Storyboard

This research set is intended to help IT organizations in successfully implementing their new structure.

Exponential IT Operating Model Readiness Assessment

Assess your organizations readiness to adopt an Exponential IT operating model.
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