Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Storyboard

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Build a Platform-Based Organization Storyboard

Large organizations end up creating bureaucracies, which slow down the pace of innovation. An antidote to bureaucracy is a platform structure: small, autonomous teams,...

Tech Trend Update: If Biosecurity Then Autonomous Edge Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent need for improved biosecurity. Organizations are implementing technology solutions that demonstrate how AI can be applied at...

Adopt Design Thinking in Your Organization – Phase 2: How Does an Organization Benefit From Design Thinking?

This phase will illustrate the relevance of design in strategy formulation and in service-design. At the core of this phase are several case studies that illuminate these...

2021 Tech Trends Report – The Six Trends

Learn in-depth about the six key trends that will help you absorb disruption and adapt to change.

Accelerate Digital Transformation With a Digital Factory – Phases 1-3

Digital factories help organizations with their digital transformation. This storyboard will help you establish a successful digital factory.

Adopt Design Thinking in Your Organization – Phase 3: How Do You Build a Design Organization?

The focus of this phase is to measure the design-centricity of your organization and subsequently, identify the areas for improvement. Define an approach for a design...

Build Your Generative AI Roadmap – Phases 1-4

This blueprint outlines how to build your generative AI roadmap, establish responsible AI principles, prioritize opportunities, and develop policies for usage.

Adopt Design Thinking in Your Organization – Phase 1: What Is Design Thinking?

The focus of this phase is on revealing what designers do during the activity of designing, and on building an understanding of the nature of design ability.

Adopt Design Thinking in Your Organization – Phases 1-3

Design thinking is not a new concept. Many organizations have tried it; some have dismissed it as a “management fad" or "simple techniques." This research will assist...
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