People & Leadership - Storyboard

The Last 100 Days as the CIO

What you do in your final 100 days as CIO will be what you’re remembered for. Follow these three stages to optimize the transition for yourself, your successor, your...

Increase Your Influence on the Board

CIOs have more to say than boards may realize, and they need to persuade the board to listen. Although influence looks different in every situation, some tactics work...

Senior Leader Communications

Well-thought-out and frequent communications goes beyond sharing information extending into a vital connection between employees and the executive leadership,...

Presenting to the Board

Use this research to home in your presentation skills and guide your preparation for presenting to the board as an IT advisor.

C-Suite and Executive Relations

CIOs are uniquely positioned to deliver on the organizational vision and mission with the CEO, but they need to procure relationships among their peers and tap into the...

Start Developing Your Own Successor

Succession planning for the CIO role is not happening to the extent it should be. Use this research to determine who's in line for the CIO role to help future-proof your...

Incorporate Influence to Drive Behaviors

As the CIO, develop influence in your organization. Use three elements to leverage your influence and overcome barriers to drive behaviors.

CEO Success Profile

This success profile outlines many of the key factors that are required of the chief executive officer (CEO) to succeed in their role.

CIO Guide to IT Leadership Interviews

Use these interview questions to assess IT leadership candidates on their business, people, and functional skills and how well they fit within the IT team and organization.

COO Success Profile

The success profile outlines many of the key factors that are required of a chief operating officer (COO) to succeed in their role.
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