Upskilling and finding sought after skills were challenging before the pandemic. How has it changed since? Learn more about skills priorities in this section.
Because of remote work, shifting priorities, and other changes, performance management may have shifted to align with work changes. Learn about how uncertainty has...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered record-breaking market volatility, causing organizations to face very hard decisions. Initiate redeployment efforts and reduce costs...
This playbook will help you carry out initial, upfront planning for the people implications connected to COVID-19 pandemic planning. It includes a four-step action plan,...
What do an employee's last few days with your company look like? Read this section to understand the crucial opportunity most IT departments are missing when it comes to...
With the rapid pace of technological change, it is becoming increasingly harder to hire skilled people for critical roles. Read this section to learn how some IT...
Your staff is the biggest line item in your budget, but are you using data to make decisions about your people? Read this section to learn how analytics can be applied to...
Ethics and transparency are emerging as key considerations for employees. How can you build a culture that supports this? Read this section to learn how.
Heading into 2020, flexible work is table stakes. Read this section to learn what some organizations offer and how you can take advantage of opportunities your...
IT leaders who get personally involved in recruitment see better results. Read this section to learn how leaders are getting involved and how to take the first steps.