EXM Setup Guide

This guide will help you set up your Employee Experience Monitor survey and configure it for your specific team's needs.

EXM Training Guide for Managers

This is a comprehensive reference guide to empower your management team to access and use the Employee Experience Monitor online dashboard.

EXM Communication Template

This template contains readily customizable emails to enable you to maintain open communication with your team in every stage of your engagement program.

Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience – Phase 3: Measure and Communicate Results

This phase of the blueprint, Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience, will help you select and implement engagement initiatives for maximal impact and...

Engagement Progress One-Pager

This one-page template presents an at-a-glance summary of recent milestones around employee engagement to help you keep your engagement program top of mind for your team...

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions

There is a statistically significant relationship between analytics used and overall effectiveness for IT departments, but IT leaders know they are missing out by not...
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HR Action and Communication Plan

​Prepare a comprehensive action plan to keep the project on track and launch the recognition program.

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program for IT

Flexible work has been shown to have proven benefits for both employees and employers. Organizations that get it right experience higher engagement, job satisfaction,...
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Manager Training: Reinforce Behavior With Recognition

Use this presentation deck to train managers to recognize employees.

Recognition Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the recognition program.
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