CIO - Templates & Policies

Staff Re-Deployment and Layoff Policy

Use this template as a starting point to craft your re-deployment or layoff of employees policy.

Pandemic Dependent Care Policy

A sample policy to get you started immediately on managing remote employees whose work is disrupted by the closure of regular care services for dependents.

COVID-19 Dependent Care Policy Manager Action Toolkit

A job-aid to help managers navigate the creation of team-specific work coverage plans and support employees through the unique challenges of integrating dependent care...

COVID-19 Dependent Care Policy Employee Guide

A job-aid employees can use to plan to consider implications of balancing caregiving for dependents with their remote work while navigating the stress of a pandemic...

Launch Emergency Work-From-Home

Prepare to support a remote workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Use this guide to plan and implement work-from-home measures across your organization.

IT Social Distancing Policy for COVID-19

Use the template to enable a social distancing policy for your organization. Communicate the purpose, and outline things your staff should avoid during this time.

Redeployment Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to develop a redeployment action plan and document messaging.

Redeployment Communication Roll-up Template

Use this template to capture and communicate relevant redeployment and layoff information.

Performance Management for Emergency Work-From-Home

Performance management during an emergency work-from-home (WFH) protocol may be a challenge for managers that are not used to leading a remote team. Help managers adjust...

Crisis Communication Guides

Use these guides to create company communications that are calm and transparent and reinforce the business continuity plan.
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