Perform an Agile Skills Assessment – Phase 3: Plan to Assess Your Team

Determine the rollout and communication plan that suits your organization.

Agile Skills Assessment Communication and Roadmap Plan

Use this template to help document your communication and roadmap plan for your Agile skills assessment.

Agile Skills Assessment Communication and Roadmap Plan Example

Use this example to understand how to document your communication and roadmap plan for your Agile skills assessment.

Webinar: Make Your Digital Product Vision More Than Just a Dream

Product groups are under pressure to align the value they provide with the organization’s goals and overall vision. For the groups that struggle, we see two situations:...

Agile Challenges and Success Factors Survey

This tool, associated with our Mentoring for Agile Teams blueprint, will help you identify where your Agile teams are experiencing the most pain so you can decide on your...

Mentoring for Agile Teams – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand how an Agile playbook can help your organization to successfully establish Agile practices within your context.

Traditional to Agile Gating Artifact Mapping

Map your traditional gating artifacts to Agile delivery.

Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation – Phases 1-2

Improve your organization's understanding of Agile principles and practices, and address your biggest Agile pain points.

Develop Your Agile Approach for a Successful Transformation

Agile transformations can be difficult and complex to implement. That’s because they require fundamental changes in the way an organization thinks and behaves (and many...
  • guided implementation icon

Roadmap for Transition to Agile

Build and frame your roadmap to effectively transition to Agile.
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