Augmented Reality Use Case Picklist

Use this picklist to identify and document use cases relevant to your augmented reality initiative.

Augmented Reality Glossary

This glossary contains important definitions associated with augmented reality.

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Phase 1: Understand Augmented Reality

This phase of the blueprint, Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative, will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the...

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you begin your augmented reality journey with a detailed understanding of the technology and its applicable use cases.

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand whether augmented reality is the right technology for your organization. Company leaders must understand how it will impact their...

Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative

This blueprint reviews Info-Tech’s business-centric definition of augmented reality, as well as the technology’s key benefits and how it will impact a variety of...
  • guided implementation icon

SDLC Diagnostic Tool

This tool associated with the blueprint, Modernize Your SDLC, will help you assess your SDLC practice against your interpretations of key SDLC attributes.

Microsoft Teams + Planner Makes for Product Management Light

Not every organization needs a full-blown product management solution. Microsoft Teams and Planner integrate seamlessly as a lightweight product management and...

What Tools Do You Really Need to Deliver Your Products and Applications?

While the Agile Manifesto might value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, modern product delivery SDLCs are automated. Unfortunately, there are a lot...

Justify Your Approach to Structuring Your ALM Environment

Teams want an open and integrated application lifecycle management (ALM) environment. Teams are now empowered to adopt the tools they need to address complexities and...
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