Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phases 1-2

This storyboard will help you adopt the right software delivery estimation tactics to build achievable plans.

Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phase 1: Get Started With BizDevOps

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your BizDevOps Playbook, will help you set the appropriate expectations for your BizDevOps adoption.

BizDevOps Playbook

This document, associated with the blueprint, Build Your BizDevOps Playbook, will help you define and illustrate how BizDevOps can be applied to your organization.

Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phase 2: Tailor Your BizDevOps Playbook

This phase of the blueprint, Build Your BizDevOps Playbook, will help you identify where specific tailoring of your playbook is needed.

Morpheus Leads the Shift from Cloud Management Platform to Hybrid Cloud Application Orchestration with Its 5.0 Release

The Morpheus cloud management platform (CMP) has moved beyond its original focus on DevOps automation and self-service. Morpheus provides a management control plane to...

Application Modernization Communication Template

This document, associated with the blueprint Modernize Your Applications, will help you communicate how application modernization can be applied to your organization.

Embrace Business-Managed Applications – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why embracing business-managed applications can address key IT delivery and management challenges.

Embrace Business-Managed Applications – Phase 3: Build Your Roadmap

This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Business-Managed Applications, will help you roadmap your business-managed application implementation and initiatives to establish...

Embrace Business-Managed Applications – Phase 2: Design Your Framework & Governance

This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Business-Managed Applications, will help you select a management approach for your applications, develop an appropriate governance...

Embrace Business- Managed Applications – Phase 1: State Your Objectives

This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Business-Managed Applications, will help you define reasonable business-managed applications objectives and metrics and identify...
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