Build Your BizDevOps Playbook – Phase 2: Tailor Your BizDevOps Playbook

Author(s): Andrew Kum-Seun

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Focus BizDevOps on key plays of software product delivery to establish a foundation of BizDevOps thinking and behavior. This phase will take you through the following plays:

  • Create a Common Vision
  • Turn Vision into Action
  • Adapt to Stakeholder Feedback
  • Lead Your Cross-Functional Team
  • Build Effective Collaboration
  • Continuously Improve the Way You Work
  • Visualize Your Process Flow
  • Iterate Delivery
  • Use Data to Drive Decisions
  • Measure the Success of Your Team
  • Work in High-Fidelity Environments
  • Use an Agile Work Management Tool

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint Build Your BizDevOps Playbook.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build Your BizDevOps Playbook

Embrace a team sport culture built around continuous business-IT collaboration to deliver great products.

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