Consumer Techs in Business: Be Cautious, But Not Close-Minded

(By Info-Tech Analyst Jayanth Angl - Printed with permission from Processor magazine IT leaders don’t have it easy. Maintaining a secure and reliable...

Negotiation Tips How to Save $ With Vendors

Knowledge is power. Go into your vendor negotiations with these tips and tools in your back pocket.

Quick Wins Save 5% Now!

Do you need to make a difference this week? This month? Take a look at these tactics and tools to build your guerilla plan.

Shared Services Governance Strategy Roadmap Tool

Use this tool to pick the optimal governance model for your organizational scenario and follow the appropriate steps to get the implementation launched.

Storyboard: Govern Shared Services

Organizations pursue shared services to reduce costs and increase quality. However, ineffective governance frequently undermines the benefits of shared services, with...

Governing Shared Services

Organizations pursue shared services to reduce costs and increase quality. However, ineffective governance frequently undermines the benefits of shared services, with...

Release and Deployment Management Gap Analysis Tool

This tool will generate a gap analysis, and provide recommendations to help you achieve your target state. Use these results to target your investment in release and...

Release and Deployment Management Metrics Tool

This tool should be used to monitor key performance indicators and report the success of your release and deployment management process to stakeholders.

Service Catalog Current State Questionnaire

Determine the potential benefits of implementing a service catalog and what opportunities it would afford you.

Service Catalog End-User Satisfaction Survey

Understanding end users’ attitudes towards IT services is essential for improving the service catalog and the overall quality of IT services as a whole. This survey will...
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