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Webinar: Create a Work-From-Anywhere IT Strategy

COVID-19 caught the world by surprise, and enterprise IT is no different. The pandemic aggressively advanced digital transformations as companies had no choice but to embrace work from home. CEOs that were vehemently against work-from-home realized that people can indeed be productive outside of the office. Others have clung to the outdated idea that work is a place and people are only productive in the office.

The reality: Work-from-anywhere isn’t about embracing the new normal – it’s about resiliency and long-term success. It gives additional flexibility to workers that allows them to be more productive. But it comes at a cost. People aren’t working in predictable locations or at predictable times. IT service management practices – and team management practices – must be revisited and updated.

During this webinar we will explore how to:

  • Identify gaps created from the COVID-19 rush to remote work.
  • Rebuild trust with the CEO and CXO.
  • Start better supporting remote workers.
  • Build something that employees will find useful and valuable.
  • Featured Speakers

    Andrew Sharp

    Research Director, Infrastructure & Operations
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    Benedict Chang

    Research Analyst, Infrastructure
    Read Bio

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