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Webinar: Achieve Digital Resilience by Managing Digital Risk

In a digital-dominant world, every risk is a digital risk. As a result, risk no longer exists in isolation within the IT or audit department of a business. Digital risk represents a true crossroads of enterprise, IT, and cyber risk. Organizations undergoing digital transformation must draw on elements from each of these disciplines to create a holistic approach to managing risk in the wake of continuous digital transformation.

IT, business, and innovation leaders alike must take a progressive approach to understanding digital risk within the context of their internal and external environments. In the process, they will drive transformation and maintain digital trust among your employees, end users, and consumers.

Join us for this webinar, where we will explore how to:

  • Define digital risk, including primary risk categories and prevalent risk factors.
  • Leverage industry examples to help identify external risk considerations.
  • Build a digital risk profile and address core risk categories as you prepare a correlating plan for digital risk management.

Featured Speakers

Cameron Smith

Research Director, Security & Privacy
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Aaron Shum

Vice President, Research & Advisory
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