Storyboard: Move a Data Center

Author(s): Melanie Davy

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A data center relocation is a complex and high risk initiative that requires months of planning. Many IT professionals will only encounter a data center relocation once or twice in their professional lives and thus have limited knowledge on how to complete a project of this size and magnitude.

This storyboard will help you through the following phases of a data center relocation:

  • Project Management
  • Discovery
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Project Closure

Whether the organization is moving one data center, consolidating many data centers, or moving to a co-location facility, use this Storyboard to understand and nail down the move process from start to finish by using the methodology, tools, and templates provided throughout.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Move a Data Center

Moving the data center is best described as a controlled disaster where minute-by-minute planning is critical to success.

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