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Vendor Landscape: Video Conferencing

Look into the future before making your VC decisions. Watch for new integration trends. See what’s in store for VC.

  • Many organizations have approached IP video conferencing as a means to reduce the cost and impact of travelling for meetings.  Opportunities for more pervasive use of video conferencing (VC) are increasing the potential for valuable collaboration and communication.
  • Vendors offer a range of visual communication capabilities, from basic room-based VC, to immersive and executive telepresence experiences, desktop and mobile client-based VC, and digital signage and whiteboard functionality.
  • This Vendor Landscape isolates key vendor strengths and challenges, and provides resources to help accelerate your selection process.

Our Advice

Critical Insight

  • A room-based VC system is not the only option that can be chosen to avoid travelling; organizations must understand the needs of those workers who work outside traditional facilities to determine which VC requirements are most important.
  • Implementing room-based VC systems within the context of a pervasive video communication strategy offers the greatest opportunity to reduce travel costs and improve productivity through enhanced communication, but it is critical that organizations focus on their own specific requirements.
  • Upfront cost should not be the only factor in selecting a VC solution; organizations must realize that to get the full return on investment, the VC solution must enhance engagement efficiently.

Impact and Result

  • Quickly develop a shortlist of vendors that offer solutions covering the entire spectrum of VC requirements.
  • Be confident that the right potential partners are being considered to meet current and future video communication needs.

Vendor Landscape: Video Conferencing Research & Tools

1. Evaluate leading video conferencing vendors

Arrive at a shortlist of vendors for further analysis.

2. Select the best fit vendor

Isolate vendors that best meet requirements, and accelerate the selection process.

Vendor Landscape: Video Conferencing preview picture

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