Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library – Phases 1-3

Author(s): David Yackness, David Glazer, Michael Blair

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The pace of business has increased substantially in recent years. Policies often lag behind changing business and technology demands and compliance requirements. Organizations need to be proactive in identifying how business changes and new technologies will impact their business in order to successfully manage policies. Moreover, organizations need to predict and respond to how their employees will react to organizational and technological change.

This blueprint will help you improve your policy management using our Assess - Draft & Implement - Monitor, Enforce, Revise methodology:

  • Assess your risks.
  • Draft and Implement your policies.
  • Monitor, enforce, and revise your policies to make sure they're working.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Review and Improve Your IT Policy Library

Create policies for the risks that matter most to your organization.

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