Release Management Process Standard Template

Author(s): Andrew Kum-Seun, Altaz Valani

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The Release Management Process Standard Template allows software delivery teams to document the release processes, release calendars, program framework, release change management processes, release management teams, and other critical information that will support your release management target state. It ensures all roles directly or indirectly involved in release management understand the objectives, steps, and acceptance criteria to successfully deliver features and fixes. This template includes areas to:

  • Understand what release management means in your context.
  • Discuss the objectives that are driving release management optimization.
  • Demonstrate the processes, roles, and tools that will support your release management target state.
  • Document your release management optimization roadmap.

Use this template in conjunction with the blueprint, Optimize Applications Release Management.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Optimize Applications Release Management

Build trust by right-sizing your process using appropriate governance.

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