Project Re-Prioritization Master Tool

Author(s): Michel Hebert

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This robust tool takes into consideration all the factors that have changed and now affect your project considerations. Given the new conditions you face, this tool will provide you with the following:

  • Project Inventory List: An easy-to-print list of proposed projects.
  • Project Priority List: An easy-to-print list of projects by ranked order.
  • FTE Gap Analysis: Shows the required FTE per project to clearly indicate which projects exceed resource availability.
  • Budget Gap Analysis: Shows the cost per project to clearly indicate which projects exceed resource availability.
  • Project Priority Gantt Chart: A Gantt chart showing the timeline for projects on the prioritized list.
  • Final Project Prioritization List: The final list of prioritized projects. Includes all projects within the business period, complete with the results from the resource analysis.

Use the outputs of this tool as a guide for determining which projects will proceed.

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