Modernize Your SDLC – Executive Brief

Author(s): Andrew Kum-Seun

Product delivery teams must enable the organization to react to market needs and competitive changes to improve the business’ bottom line. This capability requires a strong SDLC foundation supported by the right people, processes, and technologies. Read this Executive Brief to:

  • Understand why modernizing your SDLC is critical to IT's success.
  • Learn why modernizing your SDLC can be difficult for delivery teams operating in siloes.
  • Understand Info-Tech's methodology and approach to modernizing your SDLC.

The SDLC is not a project delivery process; rather, it is a product delivery lifecycle. This lifecycle must accommodate today’s realities: changing business priorities and constant product modifications. Its execution should be flexible to the desired methodology, whether that be Waterfall or Agile, and various types and sizes of changes.

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