IT and Procurement Will Need to Prepare for SaaS Renewals Proactively

Author(s): Steve Jeffery

IT and Procurement will be increasingly challenged to keep pace with the explosion of SaaS renewals. Vendors are creating solutions that are cloud-based to solve this dilemma by forecasting your SaaS renewals derived directly from your contracts.

The enterprise will require a proactive SaaS renewal strategy that will reduce the financial impact while providing opportunities to “right size” their SaaS subscriptions.Zylo’s software management for the cloud reportedly solves this challenge. Vendors like Zylo are integrating both your contractual commitments along with your actual usage. This collaboration provides the foundation for your SaaS renewal strategy that will:

  • Reduce the financial impact of missed renewals and redundant software.
  • Increase the visibility and awareness into your organization’s actual SaaS portfolio and spend.
  • Increase your organization’s security and data protection while reducing risk.

Leveraging the ability to provide visibility in your organization’s SaaS subscriptions vs. actual usage along with a calendar of your SaaS renewals will provide critical insight for IT leaders to manage their SaaS renewal strategy proactively.

Our Take

The growth of organizations’ SaaS portfolio by way of employees being able to click a button along with the propensity of automatic renewal clauses in SaaS subscriptions will be a daunting challenge for IT to effectively manage, report, forecast, and prevent over licensing of SaaS subscriptions. An appropriate SaaS management solution assists IT and Procurement to predict vs. react to renewals with sufficient time to ensure they invest in the software that is “right sized” for the organization.

Want to Know More?

Advanced SaaS Renewal Management for IT Procurement

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