Get Started With Artificial Intelligence – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Natalia Modjeska, Anuradha Ganesh

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With all of the talk about the AI revolution, it can be difficult to tie the rapidly changing and growing field of AI to your industry and organization and to determine which technologies are worth serious time and investment, and which ones are too early or not worth your time. Our three-part framework will help you get the most value of your AI initiatives:

  • First, understand what AI is (and not) and what it can (and not) do. Although most marketing hype would have you believe that it is something that will solve all of your problems, in reality AI technology is at a point where it can help you solve a specific problem. AI technologies are unsuitable in many circumstances.
  • Second, learn from others. Use a use-case-based approach and the lessons from early adopters to determine the direction that you should take your organization in its AI journey.
  • Finally, choose your path. Define the specific problems that your organization needs to solve and brainstorm how – and if – AI can help, drawing inspiration from peer use cases. Start small with a proof of concept and prove your AI’s value as it grows.

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Get Started With Artificial Intelligence

Fast-track your AI explorations by learning from early adopters.

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