Explore the Secrets of SAP Digital Access Licensing – Phase 1: Understand, Assess, and Decide on Digital Access Licensing

Author(s): Aadil Nanji, Scott Bickley

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This phase will help you assess your current state and build a roadmap for the future:

  • Discuss the historical and current state of SAP licensing.
  • Examine the changes to licensing and the new digital access model.
  • Understand what information to gather.
  • Learn about issues or concerns arising from your effective license position.
  • Discover opportunities to change existing licensing from a per-user model to document licenses and the associated costs.
  • Become familiar with the purchasing options for required licensing.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Explore the Secrets of SAP Digital Access Licensing

Modernize to the new model of digital access licensing to mitigate the risks of noncompliance.

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