Drive Organizational Change from the PMO – Phase 2: Plant the Seeds for Change During Project Planning and Initiation

Author(s): Travis Duncan, Barry Cousins

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Project planning tends to fixate on technology and neglects the behavioral and cultural factors that inhibit user adoption. This phase will take you through the following activities to help bring a more empathetic approach to change planning.

  • Foster OCM considerations as early as project ideation.
  • Build the desire for change during business case development.
  • Develop a sponsorship action plan to help ensure that projects are being championed by engaged sponsors.
  • Assess change impacts across multiple dimensions to gauge the likelihood of adoption and rightsize the PMO's OCM efforts.

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint, Drive Organizational Change from the PMO.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Master Organizational Change Management Practices

PMOs, if you don't know who is responsible for org change, it's you.

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