Build an IT Strategy for Small Enterprises – Phase 3: Bridge the Gap and Create the Strategy

Author(s): Ben Mackle

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With an understanding of the target and current state, it's time to conduct a gap analysis, create a roadmap, and finalize the strategy. This phase will take you through the following activities:

  • Identify gaps in IT capabilities to reach the target state.
  • Identify current IT initiatives, then define their links to IT and business goals.
  • Identify new IT initiatives from each of the seven perspectives based on capability changes.
  • Create profiles for each defined initiative to understand business benefits, risks, funding, and dependencies.
  • Build a roadmap to showcase your IT strategy and establish an ongoing process for communicating and refreshing the strategy.

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint Build an IT Strategy for Small Enterprises.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build an IT Strategy for Small Enterprises

Get in front of your workload with a right-sized and business-aligned IT strategy.

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