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With Info-Tech's Industry Roundtables & Benchmarking, you will never again wonder "what are my peers doing?", "how do I compare?", or "what should I be doing?".

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Industry Roundtable Events

Nursing and Residential Care - Critical Projects

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Business-Aligned IT Strategy

Understand the capabilities and focus areas required to meet your industry’s needs and enable value creation.


Top Industry Trends

Identify resource, process, and environmental trends impacting your industry. Implement strategies to mitigate specific risks and take advantage of all relevant opportunities.


Industry Benchmarking

Reveal the true state of your IT services, processes, spend, and staffing levels to align your priorities and resources. Benefit from peer data to get a reference point for how well you stack up.


Core Industry Technologies & Software Selection

Arm yourself with everything you need to provide the right solutions to meet the needs of your business stakeholders.


Business-Aligned IT Strategy

Strategy Alignment
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Application Portfolio Management Foundations for Healthcare Organizations

  • Think low priority over no priority.
  • Integrate these tasks into your mixed workload.
  • Create an inventory built for better decision making.
  • Rationalize your apps in accordance with business priorities and communicate risks on their terms.
  • Create a roadmap that improves communication between those who own, manage, and support an application.
  • Build your APM process fit for size.
Strategy Alignment
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Nursing & Residential Care Business-Aligned IT Strategy

  • Learn about the ecosystem factors that are impacting the Nursing & Residential Care industry and how your IT team is set from a PESTLE and SWOT perspective, with expert insights and takeaways to update your IT strategy.
Strategy Alignment
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Nursing & Residential Care IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook

  • With input from our research and analysts and your peers, identify new or updated initiatives for your IT strategy and document them in the IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook.
Strategy Alignment
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Nursing & Residential Care Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template

  • Use the Nursing & Residential Care Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template to share the key findings of the business-aligned analysis with your organization's leadership team.


Top Industry Trends

Top Trends
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Generative AI Use Case Library for the Healthcare Industry

Info-Tech’s use-case library provides practical guidance to help the healthcare industry accelerate value-driven Gen AI use case adoption.

Top Trends
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Nursing & Residential Care Restorative & Enriching Care Trend Report

  • Nursing & Residential Care facilities will have to focus on delivering quality, engaging, resident experience focused care with an emphasis on “living and thriving” and “home and community.”
  • Learn about how Restorative & Enriching Care affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance
Top Trends
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Nursing & Residential Care Resident 360 View Trend Report

  • Superior care involves wrap-around support provided by a many types of health professionals, including clinicians, specialists, diagnostics services, personal support care, rehabilitative care, and social and recreational therapists.
  • Learn about how the resident 360 view trend affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.
Top Trends
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Nursing & Residential Care Virtual Health Trend Report

  • Virtual health includes telehealth, telemedicine, and virtual monitoring devices and represents a beneficial technology that can enable key improvements to healthcare delivery within Nursing & Residential Care facilities.
  • Learn about how virtual health affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.


Industry Benchmarking

Peer Benchmarking
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Benchmarking Report: A Cross-Industry Comparison of IT Stakeholder Satisfaction

  • Every industry has unique characteristics that can hamper progress or facilitate success in satisfying IT stakeholders. Reimagine your strategy by shifting the definition of who your peers really are.
  • Discover which industries achieve high stakeholder satisfaction across 13 core IT services.
  • Learn the characteristics that different industries have that can help or hinder IT success.
  • Understand what your industry has in common with others that you can leverage to improve stakeholder satisfaction and overcome your own institutional barriers.
Peer Benchmarking
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Nursing & Residential Care IT Staffing Benchmarking Report

  • Many IT departments are already running lean, struggling to keep pace with never-ending demands from the business.
  • By taking the IT Staffing Diagnostic and participating in our unique IT spending benchmarking program, you will gain critical information to understand how to position your IT team to be more effective.
Peer Benchmarking
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Nursing & Residential Care IT Stakeholder Satisfaction Benchmarking Report

  • IT leadership needs to understand where their stakeholders are unsatisfied with the quality of service they’re receiving from IT.
  • Understand important common focus areas to address, and gain insights into how your team aligns to other Nursing & Residential Care IT teams.
Peer Benchmarking
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Nursing & Residential Care IT Management & Governance Benchmarking Report

  • Understanding your IT team’s perception of what’s important and how well they’re doing is central to identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential misalignments with business priorities and expectations.
  • Learn about how IT departments in your industry assess the importance and effectiveness of 45 IT processes to gauge your own alignment and identify select processes for targeted improvement.


Core Industry Technologies & Software Selection

Core Industry Technologies
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Nursing & Residential Care Facility Management Systems (FMS) Technology Report

  • Delivering high quality comprehensive care to residents around the clock requires a system and solution set that enables the optimization of all capabilities in this area.
  • Learn about what a Facility Management System (FMS) is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.
Core Industry Technologies
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Nursing & Residential Care Emergency Call & Alert Systems Technology Report

  • A procured emergency call and alert system must easily integrate with the existing technology ecosystem.
  • Learn about what an emergency call and alert system is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.
Core Industry Technologies
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Nursing & Residential Care Electronic Health Records (EHR) Technology Report

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) have been adopted across many healthcare delivery settings such as hospitals, medical clinics, and allied health care centers. However, its use and adoption in Nursing & Residential Care is evolving.
  • Learn about what EHRs are, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.

Latest Nursing & Residential Care Notes

Short, tailored research notes aimed at providing you with timely insights, relevant to your industry. Hot off the press, these notes will be published regularly and pair great with your morning coffee.

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Meet the Healthcare Services Executive Services Leadership Team

Date published

November 6, 2023

  • Clayton Gillett

  • Sharon Auma-Ebanyat

  • Neal Rosenblatt

  • Duane Cooney

  • Angela Diop

  • Harry Herrmann

  • Tony Tardugno

The global healthcare delivery and insurance industries are the most important industries to all of us personally. Whether healthcare is delivered in a semi-free market methodology or as a government benefit, it determines how each of us are cared for and how we finance that care. In each and every delivery model there are nuances and complexities that make these industries byzantine at best in every country.

Global Approaches to Developing COVID-19 Verification Certificates

Date published

June 9, 2021

  • Jennifer Jones

  • Christine Coz

As nation states consider how to reopen their borders safely, many governments are contemplating, and some have already implemented, the use of a digital vaccine certification process. Since personal health information is highly sensitive, it is important to ask critical and specific questions about how data will be collected, stored, and verified.

Biden Administration Announces $80 Million in Funding to Strengthen and Modernize Public Health Data Infrastructure

Date published

May 27, 2021

  • Jennifer Jones

Funding announced as a part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) aims to enable public health to prepare for future challenges by leveraging data collected by public health departments.

Don’t Get Left Behind: A Review of American Rescue Plan Healthcare Funding Priorities Aimed at Strengthening Technology Modernization

Date published

May 26, 2021

  • Jennifer Jones

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) is the third stimulus package passed by the federal government of the United States since March 2020. Stimulus funding aims to address gaps created as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. ARP comprises $1.9 trillion in mandatory funding, programming, and tax policies, which will provide significant relief to Americans adversely affected by the pandemic. Health IT professionals must be aware of the variety of funding opportunities available that are designed to improve healthcare service delivery.

Healthcare: Advice From the COVID-19 Roundtable

Date published

April 1, 2020

  • Jennifer Jones

On March 25, 2020, Info-Tech led a COVID-19 Virtual Roundtable for Healthcare IT leaders. The focus of this roundtable was to address the top concerns for IT professionals working in the healthcare industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. The roundtable was designed to facilitate an engaged conversation framed by three broad topics: Now in Crisis, Continuing in Crisis, and Crisis Resolved.

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