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Legal - Critical Projects

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Industry Benchmarking

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Business-Aligned IT Strategy

Strategy Alignment
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Legal Professional Services Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template

  • Use the Legal Professional Services Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template to share the key findings of the business-aligned analysis with your organization's leadership team.
Strategy Alignment
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Legal Professional Services Business-Aligned IT Strategy

  • Learn about the ecosystem factors that are impacting the Legal Professional Services industry and how your IT team is set from a PESTLE and SWOT perspective, with expert insights and takeaways to update your IT strategy.
Strategy Alignment
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Legal Professional Services IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook

  • With input from our research and analysts and your peers, identify new or updated initiatives for your IT strategy and document them in the IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook.


Top Industry Trends

Top Trends
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Legal Professional Services Digitization Trend Report

  • Digitization enables organizations to transform paper-based records into electronic format that can be leveraged for data analysis and business intelligence.
  • Given the large volumes of paper that legal firms produce, process and store, the advantages of digitization are readily apparent.
  • Learn about how Digitization affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.
Top Trends
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Legal Professional Services Artificial Intelligence Report

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) functionality offers the promise of making work faster, more efficient, and more effective. AI comes at a higher cost, but that cost differential might be justified if AI delivers as promised.
  • AI covers a wide range of features and functions. You don’t just “buy AI,” but the value proposition is in the application of AI in the products and the functions they carry out.
  • Learn about how AI affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.
Top Trends
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Legal Professional Services Unbundled Legal Services Report

  • Unbundled Legal Services allows clients to assume initiative and ownership around tasks such as documentation, legal research, or other menial tasks, rather than pay a law firm to do so.
  • Many firms have started investigating the service offering in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market, and due to client demand, particularly in the Information Age.
  • Learn about how Unbundled Legal Services affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.


Industry Benchmarking

Peer Benchmarking
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Benchmarking Report: A Cross-Industry Comparison of IT Stakeholder Satisfaction

  • Every industry has unique characteristics that can hamper progress or facilitate success in satisfying IT stakeholders. Reimagine your strategy by shifting the definition of who your peers really are.
  • Discover which industries achieve high stakeholder satisfaction across 13 core IT services.
  • Learn the characteristics that different industries have that can help or hinder IT success.
  • Understand what your industry has in common with others that you can leverage to improve stakeholder satisfaction and overcome your own institutional barriers.
Peer Benchmarking
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Legal Professional Services IT Stakeholder Satisfaction Benchmarking Report

  • IT leadership needs to understand where their clients are unsatisfied with the quality of service they’re receiving from IT.
  • Understand important focus areas to address and gain insights into how your team compares with other Legal Professional Services IT organizations.
Peer Benchmarking
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Legal Professional Services IT Management & Governance Benchmarking Report

  • Understanding your IT team’s perception of what’s important and how well they’re doing is central to identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential misalignments with business priorities and expectations.
  • Learn about how IT departments in your industry assess the importance and effectiveness of 45 IT processes to gauge your own alignment and identify select processes for targeted improvement.
Peer Benchmarking
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Legal Professional Services IT Staffing Benchmarking Report

  • Many IT departments are already running lean, struggling to keep pace with never-ending demands from the business. IT staffing is stretched thin.
  • By taking the IT Staffing Assessment diagnostic and participating in our unique IT Spend benchmarking, you will gain critical information to position your team to be seen as strategic.


Core Industry Technologies & Software Selection

Core Industry Technologies
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Legal Professional Services Legal Case Management Report

  • Legal Case Management tracks all activities associated with a case and enables tracking of resource allocation and case status as they proceed through the court system or are negotiated in out-of-court settlements.
  • Legal Case Management tools are numerous and diverse. Selection of the right product is key.
  • Learn about what Legal Case Management is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.
Core Industry Technologies
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Legal Professional Services Digitization Technology Report

  • Data analytics using digitized information will greatly assist the law firm in strategic decision making.
  • Although scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) are mature, determining which solutions best fit the firm and the existing systems is critical.
  • Learn about what Digitization is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.
Core Industry Technologies
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Legal Professional Services Legal Research Report

  • With the onset of Unbundled Legal Services, having sound integrated legal research will be key to the success of the new line of business.
  • There are many choices, but which ones suit your law firm? Which will integrate with your current legal practice and legal case management software? Which will be most effective for the lawyers and support staff to use?
  • Learn about what Legal Research is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.

Latest Legal Notes

Short, tailored research notes aimed at providing you with timely insights, relevant to your industry. Hot off the press, these notes will be published regularly and pair great with your morning coffee.

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ContractPodAi Case Study: AI for Contract Lifecycle Management

Date published

March 14, 2024

  • Robert Garmaise

How AI is used in contract lifecycle management by in-house legal teams.

Legal Industry Summary – How AI Augments Law Firms and In-House Legal Teams

Date published

February 5, 2024

  • Robert Garmaise

Legal Industry Summary – How AI Augments Law Firms and In-House Legal Teams

NetDocuments Case Study: AI for Legal Drafting

Date published

November 10, 2023

  • Robert Garmaise

How AI is used in legal drafting by law firms.

Meet the Professional Services, Real Estate and Property Management, and Technology, Media, and Telecom Executive Services Leadership Team

Date published

November 7, 2023

  • John Kemp

  • Reiaz Somji

  • Neil de Ridder

  • Richard Treglown

  • Justin St-Maurice

In today's dynamic business environment, industries are undergoing remarkable changes. Whether you're in the Professional Services sector, where we guide you through economic shifts and evolving client expectations, or in the dynamic Real Estate and Property Management industry, influenced by market dynamics and tenant preferences, Info-Tech serves as your trusted ally. We offer tailored research, coaching, and mentoring services that enhance service quality, client satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall business growth.

DraftWise Case Study: AI for Legal Drafting

Date published

October 15, 2023

  • Robert Garmaise

How AI is used in legal drafting by law firms.

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