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Holding Companies - Critical Projects

Deep Insights Tailored to Your Industry


Business-Aligned IT Strategy

Understand the capabilities and focus areas required to meet your industry’s needs and enable value creation.


Top Industry Trends

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Industry Benchmarking

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Core Industry Technologies & Software Selection

Arm yourself with everything you need to provide the right solutions to meet the needs of your business stakeholders.


Business-Aligned IT Strategy

Strategy Alignment
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Holding Companies Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template

  • Once you’ve completed the IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook, it’s time to pull it all together and share with your organization’s leadership team.
  • Use the Holding Companies Industry Impacts on IT Strategy: Senior Management Presentation Template to highlight the key findings from the business-aligned analysis you’ve done.
Strategy Alignment
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Make Your IT Governance Adaptable – Financial Services

  • You will produce more value from IT by developing a governance framework optimized for your current needs and context, with the ability to adapt as your needs shift.
  • You will create the foundation and ability to delegate and empower governance to enable agile delivery.
  • You will identify areas where governance does not require manual oversight and can be embedded into the way you work.
Strategy Alignment
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Holding Companies Business-Aligned IT Strategy

  • Learn about the ecosystem factors that are impacting the Holding Companies industry and how your IT team is set from a PESTLE and SWOT perspective, with expert insights and takeaways to update your IT strategy.
Strategy Alignment
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Holding Companies IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook

  • With input from our research and analysts and your peers, identify new or updated initiatives for your IT strategy.
  • Working with our team, update your IT Strategy Initiatives Workbook.


Top Industry Trends

Top Trends
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Holding Companies Complex and Increasing Regulation Report

  • Regulation is in a constant state of change and always increasing. Keeping up with change is essential.
  • Learn about how complex and increasing regulation affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.
Top Trends
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Holding Companies Integration and Shared Services Report

  • The diverse nature of holding companies makes integration an essential capability.
  • Learn about how integration and shared services affect both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.
Top Trends
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Holding Companies Rapidly Growing and Diverse Portfolios Report

  • Holding companies are growing in size and complexity as they continue to acquire and build new assets.
  • Learn about how the rapidly growing and diverse portfolios trend affects both your organization and IT specifically, including challenges and opportunities, with expert assistance.


Industry Benchmarking

Peer Benchmarking
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Benchmarking Report: A Cross-Industry Comparison of IT Stakeholder Satisfaction

  • Every industry has unique characteristics that can hamper progress or facilitate success in satisfying IT stakeholders. Reimagine your strategy by shifting the definition of who your peers really are.
  • Discover which industries achieve high stakeholder satisfaction across 13 core IT services.
  • Learn the characteristics that different industries have that can help or hinder IT success.
  • Understand what your industry has in common with others that you can leverage to improve stakeholder satisfaction and overcome your own institutional barriers.
Peer Benchmarking
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Holding Companies IT Stakeholder Satisfaction Benchmarking Report

  • IT leadership needs to understand where their clients are unsatisfied with the quality of service they are receiving from IT.
  • Understand important focus areas to address and insights into how your team compares with other Holding Companies IT organizations.
Peer Benchmarking
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Holding Companies IT Staffing Benchmarking Report

  • Many IT departments are already running lean, struggling to keep pace with never-ending demands from the business. As a result, Holding Companies IT staffing is stretched thin.
  • By taking the IT Staffing Assessment diagnostic and participating in our unique IT Spend Benchmarking program, you will gain critical information to position your team to be seen as strategic.
Peer Benchmarking
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Holding Companies IT Management & Governance Benchmarking Report

  • Understanding your IT team’s perception of what’s important and how well they’re doing is central to identifying strengths, weaknesses, and potential misalignments with business priorities and expectations.
  • Learn about how IT departments in your industry assess the importance and effectiveness of 45 IT processes to gauge your own alignment and identify select processes for targeted improvement.


Core Industry Technologies & Software Selection

Core Industry Technologies
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Holding Companies API Integration Report

  • System complexity is growing at the same time as business initiatives require systems to work together. Integration is a key capability.
  • Learn about what API integration is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.
Core Industry Technologies
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Holding Companies Enterprise Risk Management Report

  • Risk management is an essential reason for the use of the holding company structure. Learn to maximize its advantages with the right technologies.
  • Learn about what enterprise risk management is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.
Core Industry Technologies
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Holding Companies Enterprise Performance Management Report

  • Holding companies are designed to create value and manage risk. Enterprise performance management is an essential tool to align strategy with measurable results.
  • Learn about what enterprise performance management is, the state of the market, key features and functions, and leading vendors in the space in order to understand how it can transform your IT strategy and ability to deliver.

Latest Holding Companies Notes

Short, tailored research notes aimed at providing you with timely insights, relevant to your industry. Hot off the press, these notes will be published regularly and pair great with your morning coffee.

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Meet the Financial Services and Insurance Executive Services Leadership Team

Date published

November 7, 2023

  • David Tomljenovic

  • Ahmed Mapara

  • Christine West

  • Christine Brick

  • Chris Kenyon

  • Gene Berry

  • Dawn Hall

The Financial Services and Insurance (FSI) industries are ever-evolving and undergoing dramatic changes due to market conditions, increased consumer and employee demands, and a rapid need for modernization to remain competitive with both incumbents and digital-first emerging players. Our global FSI team at Info-Tech is the world-renowned provider of choice for premier CIO and executive leadership, research, coaching, and mentoring services dedicated to IT leaders. Our mission is to serve as a trusted strategic advisor to enable FSI IT leaders and increase the value of their organization. Our advice improves the teaching, learning, research, student experience, and community engagement aspects of their organizations through IT best practices and research. We will ensure that our members in the global FSI sector receive exceptional value from their investment in their Info-Tech membership as they build an exponential IT mindset to embrace the changes in the FSI industry.

The Silicon Valley Bank Failure and What to Prepare for Next

Date published

March 16, 2023

  • Jody Gunderman

The impacts on banking, financial institutions, their customers, and technology.

Observations on OSFI’s "Culture and Behaviour Risk Guideline" (Draft) 2023 from an IT Perspective

Date published

March 15, 2023

  • Donna Bales

  • John Kemp

Culture, in the common view of IT, is largely outlined in the strategy of the organization, expressed in part by the vision, mission, and objectives and described in detail in the principles the organization holds. Behaviors stem from the principles or values.

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