Long-Form RFP Template

Use this sample RFP as the basis for your template RFP, taking it all as is or picking and choosing the sections that best meet the mission and objectives of the RFP and...

RFP Evaluation Tool

Use this tool to collect and record the evaluation team's scores for each vendor's response to your Enhanced RFI.

Lean RFP Template

Use this template to create your Enhanced Request for Information baseline template. Be sure to modify and configure the template to your organization’s specifications.

Vendor TCO Tool

Use Info-Tech’s Vendor TCO Tool to normalize each vendor’s pricing proposal and account for the lifetime cost of the product.

RFP Requirements Worksheet

Use this tool to assist you and your team in documenting the requirements for your RFP.

Drive Successful Sourcing Outcomes With a Robust RFP Process

A bad RFP is ineffective and incomplete; it creates more questions than it answers; and, perhaps most importantly, it does not meet your organization expectations. Using...
  • guided implementation icon

Vendor Recommendation Presentation

Use the Vendor Recommendation Presentation to present your finalist and obtain final approval to negotiate and execute any agreements.

Drive Successful Sourcing Outcomes With a Robust RFP Process Storyboard

Use this Storyboard to create a repeatable and scalable RFP process that saves time and preserves negotiation leverage.

Excel Form RFP Tool

The Excel Form RFP is used as an alternative to the other RFP toolsets if you have multiple requirements and have multiple vendors to choose from.

Microsoft Continues to Expand Its Industry Cloud

Industry cloud could be the next growth boom in the IaaS space, and Microsoft is well positioned to lead the competition.
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